Women's 2-Day Defense Boot Camp
Our women's classes are geared specifically to women. When given the opportunity to learn with all the elements present that women want from an instructor, they will most often out-perform their male counterpart. It's been proven that Women naturally have the skills required to become very proficient when it comes to firearms and related activities and subsequently outperform male counterparts on a consistent basis. Our goal is to properly train women in the way they wish to be trained, providing them with the best and most current skills, the concepts needed to put idea to practicality, and the techniques needed to make that happen in the most effective ways.
The skills we teach are derived from a number of sources. Mr. Cunningham is an accomplished 3rd degree black belt instructor having received his ranking from The Chuck Norris System and ranked by Mr. Norris. He is also a level 3 Instructor Certifier in Krav Maga, straight from the Israeli Defense Forces in Israel, trained and certified by Romanian-born Israeli, Laurian Lapadatu along with training with and being an Officially Licensed Training Center of the Krav Maga Worldwide organization.
Women will learn aggressive, incapacitating defense techniques that are simple, easy to learn, duplicatable, and highly efficient and effective against either armed or unarmed assailants. Along with hands-on training, women will also learn simple, common-sense ideas to address issues before they happen. This includes open discussion of scenarios and real-life incidents that are understandable and very pragmatic.
2-Day Class Cost: $169.00 - $100 deposit required
DAY 1:
You'll begin the class with basic understanding of the need for self defense competency and then we'll move into some hands-on demonstrations and personal Krav Maga skill set development of some of the wide variety of techniques you will learn to defend yourself. You'll work with partners and instructors to develop a knowledge of technique manipulation and how to take that to the street if required. Our black belt instructors will discuss, explain, demonstrate, and teach proper wrist, arm, and joint locking techniques, punches, blocks, parries, and evasion and safe-separation techniques that really work. You will then perform and master these incapacitation techniques using partners and live assailants. Nice thing is, you will actually bring these people into submission. These techniques are the same techniques used by law enforcement officers, elite special forces, IDF, and bodyguards all over the world. By the end of the day, you be working hard and fast with quick reaction time and significant power to overcome an assailant. You'll also learn various techniques and tips to maintain control in a situation that might escalate into a confrontation. Learn what signals the assailant gives prior to an attack that if queued in on, will give you the time and the upper hand to make it out alive.
DAY 2:
We'll teach you tactical handgun techniques that work. Learn how to prep, present, and fire quickly and accurately. Learn to understand the fine line between speed and accuracy and how to use it to your advantage. Remember, the person with the most hits, wins! Learn in real time what it takes to be able to keep the promises you make to your family that day before you were confronted with a lethal threat. Don't let your family down. It's you or the bad guy!
We'll naturally progress to aggressive shooting techniques in various unconventional shooting stances and positions used by top shooters, marksmen, and law enforcement nationwide. Courses similar to this in metropolitan areas are generally at least twice the cost. Learn competency through repetition. You skills need to be mechanical and second nature. We'll teach you how at this class!
The courses we offer for women are "what women want”. Nobody else in the state offers a women's course such as we do, specifically for women. Our head women's instructor, Elizabeth Cunningham, will take you step by step through all of the proper course curriculum and subjects needed to obtain the certification you desire. No longer be intimidated or feel uncomfortable in classes YOU want to take!
These courses are essential for women interested in any of the following subject areas: Defensive Tactics, Women's Basic Pistol Defense/Self Defense Boot Camp, Women's Concealed Handgun For Oregon. Be committed to attending prior to making deposits as deposits are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Some ranges we use require payment of park entry fees for non-member shooters. You are responsible for park entry fees. We recommend purchasing memberships at the range if you plan on being an avid shooter.
Some startling facts:
There were 248,300 rapes/sexual assaults in the United States in 2007, more than 500 per day, up from 190,600 in 2005. Women were more likely than men to be victims; the rate for rape/sexual assault for persons age 12 or older in 2007 was 1.8 per 1,000 for females and 0.1 per 1,000 for males. National Crime Victimization Survey: Criminal Victimization, 2007. 2008. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cv07.pdf. This means Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. The United States Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that 3.4 million persons said they were victims of stalking during a 12-month period in 2005 and 2006. Women experience 20 stalking victimizations per 1,000 females age 18 and older.
Among all female murder victims in the U.S., 30% were slain by their husbands or boyfriends. Source: Uniform Crime Reports of the U.S. 1996, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2003 (January - June). This means the remaining 70% were strangers.
If a woman can protect herself, it's the first line of defense. Women are 30 to 40 percent more likely to be attacked than a man," says a police firearms instructor, a Philadelphia police officer for 30 years.
Each student will be awarded a certificate of course completion that satisfies ORS 166.291(1)(f)(c) for Oregon Concealed Handgun certification. A $100.00 nonrefundable deposit is required for this class.
What to bring:
Duty Handgun (.380, 9mm, .40 S&W, .357 SIG, .45 ACP, .38 SPL - .22 cal is disallowed - You may borrow one from a friend or relative or you may purchase one prior to the class*)
Baseball cap or hat with brim
Eye and ear protection (MANDATORY)
Long pants (511’s, BDU’s, Jeans, or any pants with belt loops)
Boots or tennis shoes (There may be mud. Don't bring your Ferragamo's!)
Duty belt or "Holster to Uniform"-type gun belt
Holster that you will using to carry concealed (Purse, IWB, thigh, or other type that fits the handgun you will be using in class)
At least 2 extra magazines and a magazine pouch or storage device for magazines (Mandatory requirement)
Ammo (At least 300 rounds)
Cold weather jacket
I'll bring water to the range
Handguns are available for rental!
All handgun classes taught through Stoneridge Tactical have been designed, built, and developed in accordance with the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association, the NRA, and NRA Law Enforcement Division Instructor training practices and guidelines by Stoneridge Tactical, David Cunningham, and Liz Cunningham, NLEFIA Advanced Firearms Instructor, NRA Instructors, NRA LE Division "Handgun" and "Patrol Rifle" instructors, and satisfy Oregon's requirement for "Concealed Handgun Certification" per ORS 166.291.
Prepayment is required to enroll and participate in this class. If you are committed and have the time, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Click the PayPal button below and pay for the class. You don't even have to have a PayPal account. You may pay with credit or debit! Your card will be charged real-time and you will receive a payment receipt at the email address you provide during checkout. By making your payment for the class, you understand and are agreeing to our REFUND POLICY. You should be committed to attending as prepayments are nonrefundable and non transferable to another class. Live fire classes are not available to those women who are pregnant. If you prepay for these courses and cannot attend due to pregnancy, there are no refunds or transfers of any kind. If you or a person in your party cancels for any reason, they forfeit their deposit. Forfeited deposits cannot be used to bring in another student in their place. Check the class schedule for our upcoming classes. Disregard any errors after payment is made. Do not attempt multiple payments until you've contacted us for directions.
Womens' effective self-defense