Citizen OC Pepper Spray

3 Hour Class - 3 Year Certification
COST: $80 (Deposit of $40 required. Balance paid date of class)
David Cunningham - Stoneridge Tactical Academy
We’ve been trainers of de-escalation tools and techniques for 12 years, but now we’re calling out your firearm. The firearm is a great tool, but it’s time to increase your capability and decrease your liability. You don't always need or even want a firearm. It's good to have a different set of tools at your disposal rather than going to your concealed carry firearm. Now there’s a budget- friendly way to equip you with the large selection of pepper spray cannisters.
Obtaining training and certification for OC Pepper Spray will help eliminate a lawsuit or a complaint alleging "Failure To Train". Most often, a lawsuit will claim that you had no formal training prior to carrying and using pepper spray. Although no license is required in the state of Oregon in order to carry pepper spray, you definitely need proper training before carrying, just as you would a firearm. Why chance it? Get advanced training from an Advanced Law Enforcement Instructor. Set your mind at east. Our training is nationally recognized and court defensable.
A few hours of training will prove invaluable if you ever have to pull and use pepper spray. Our Defense Technology product line has what you need based on your choice of carry tools with sprays, cones, streams, fogs, and foam. Always use the right tool for the right job. We will train you on all products and uses so you can make a real educated decision.
This informative, interactive, hands-on course will take you to an entirely new level of less than lethal options. This course will allow civilians to navigate Oregon Use of Force law to put you at the top of your game. Don't leave anything to chance.
This is a legitimate 3-year certification course for OC Pepper Spray. This will be the first time this course is offered to citizens and you will not find this course anywhere else in the State of Oregon. Stoneridge Tactical is your local expert with the information you need. Mr. Cunningham is a professional Less Than Lethal Options trainer. He has been an instructor since 1991 having been a Field Training Officer with the police department and an expert use of force instructor and a defensive tactics instructor.
Every student will be awarded a framable goldleaf certificate of course completion.
Here's what we'll cover:
Styles and Sizes of Pepper Sprays Available
Fallacies Surrounding Bear and Wasp Sprays
Use of Force Laws
Justification Issues
Excessive Force Laws
Situational Awareness
Carrying in Public
Pepper Spray at Work
Federal Facility Issues
Menacing and Brandishing Laws
Interaction With a Threat
TSA and Air Travel
Navigating Dangerous Protests
Staying Out Of Jail
Post-Incident Direction
Venues and How To Avoid Trouble
and much more...
Prepayment is required to enroll and participate in this class. If you are committed and have the time, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Click the PayPal button below and pay for the class. You don't even need a PayPal account. You may pay with credit or debit! Your card will be charged real-time and you will receive a payment receipt at the email address you provide during checkout. By making your payment for the class, you understand and are agreeing to our REFUND POLICY. You should be committed to attending as prepayments are nonrefundable and non transferable to another class. If you prepay for these courses and cannot attend due to any medical reason, including colds, flu, or covid-related issues of any kind, there are no refunds or transfers of any kind. If you or a person in your party cancels for any reason, they forfeit their deposit. Forfeited deposits cannot be used to bring in another student in their place. Check the class schedule for our upcoming classes.
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