Children's Firearm Classes
Stoneridge Tactical Academy has classes for all ages of children from 8 years old through 15 years of age. Children need the same education in firearms that adults require. We have created several classes for kids from beginning firearm safety with emphasis on safety discussions all the way through shooting and tactical classes. Whatever your idea is for your child, we can accommodate you. There are 3 class choices. Please scroll down until you find the class you seek.

Kid's Gun Safety Classes
At Stoneridge, we have professional firearms instructors that know what kids like! Teaching our children correctly is of utmost importance. The primary cause of children misusing firearms is the mystique surrounding firearms, parents sheltering children from learning about firearms, and the children's resulting unfamiliarity and curiosity with firearms. We have learned to safely remove the mystery from this subject which allows children of all ages to become familiar with and be able to put firearms in perspective as a "tool" rather than an unapproachable, mysterious thing that they are never to handle. Handguns as well as rifles will be discussed and handled. Certificates of Course Completion will be issued to all students. This class satisfies ORS 166.291(1)(f)(c) for Concealed Handgun Certification. In the "NO-SHOOT" classes, for an additional $25, even accompanying parents of each child may elect to obtain their own certification of completion to be used to satisfy the Oregon State requirement for Oregon CHL licensure. This means that children may save their certificate until they are of the age of consent and apply for their concealed handgun license with this certificate.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
(NOTE: This is a "Beginner NO SHOOT" class designed especially for kids 8-15 years of age. Perfect for parents that want their kids to learn from an NRA-Certified Firearms Instructor
LOCATION: Central Point Campus
COST: $25
A certificate that satisfies Oregon Revised Statute 166.291(1)(f)(c) for Oregon CHL will be given to each child and each paid adult chaperone
***Lifetime certification
Signup For Children's Gun Safety Class
Safety Brief
Operation of Semi Auto and Revolver
Nomenclature and Gun Parts
Ammunition Discussion
How To Make a Handgun Safe for Handling
Range Etiquette
Practical Handling Exercises
Proper Loading and Unloading of a Firearm
Hold Control
Basic Stance for Shooting
Graduation and Certificates
All handgun classes taught through Stoneridge Tactical have been designed, built, and developed in accordance with the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association, the NRA, and NRA Law Enforcement Division Instructor training practices and guidelines by Stoneridge Tactical, David Cunningham, and Liz Cunningham, NLEFIA Advanced Firearms Instructor, NRA Instructors, NRA LE Division "Handgun" and "Patrol Rifle" instructors, and satisfy Oregon's requirement for "Concealed Handgun Certification" per ORS 166.291.​
Prepayment of a nonrefundable deposit is required to enroll and participate in this class. Make sure you are committed and have the time before making the payment. Click the PayPal button below and pay for the class. You don't even have to have a PayPal account. You may pay with credit or debit! Your card will be charged real-time and you will receive a payment receipt at the email address you provide during checkout. By making your payment for the class, you understand and are agreeing to our REFUND POLICY. After making your payment, you will receive a "REMINDER EMAIL" with detailed address class time, driving directions, what to bring, policy, parking instructions, etc... It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to plan ahead, make proper arrival arrangements, and make sure you receive that email as it will certainly have been sent to you. It is important to check your spam folder. If you do not have that email by 7 days prior class date, contact us and we will make sure you have it. Waiting until the morning of the class and claiming "I didn't get a reminder email and I didn't know where to go" is not a valid claim. Prepayments are nonrefundable and non transferable to another class. Live fire classes are not available to those women who are pregnant. If you prepay for these courses and cannot attend due to pregnancy, there are no refunds or transfers of any kind. If you or a person in your party cancels or no-shows for any reason, they forfeit their deposit. Forfeited deposits cannot be used to bring in another student in their place. Check the class schedule for our upcoming classes. Disregard any errors after payment is made. Do not attempt multiple payments until you've contacted us for directions.