Handgun Shooting Classes

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Stoneridge tactical is the leading training school in Oregon with more instructional training courses than any other school in the state. We've just added about 25 new classes this week. We are proud to offer classes for kids, introductory training, beginning, women-only courses, co-ed classes, along with intermediate, advanced, and multi-day courses, for every shooting level. No matter where you are in your training, we have what you need. There's no reason to wait. Sign up now! Hope to see you soon!
All handgun classes taught through Stoneridge Tactical have been designed, built, and developed in accordance with the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association, the NRA, and NRA Law Enforcement Division Instructor training practices and guidelines by Stoneridge Tactical, David Cunningham, and Liz Cunningham, NLEFIA Advanced Firearms Instructor, NRA Instructors, NRA LE Division "Handgun" and "Patrol Rifle" instructors, and satisfy Oregon's requirement for "Concealed Handgun Certification" per ORS 166.291.